About ModUcom
Modular Communication Systems

Since 1978
The public counts on prompt emergency services. Those emergency dispatchers count on ModUcom.
Modular Communication Systems (ModUcom) is the preferred choice among first responders, dispatch centers, utility operators, and public servants for their radio and telephone communications Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) needs.
Since 1978, we’ve maintained this lasting distinction because we believe relationships are as fundamental as technology. In fact, ModUcom validates your choice to collaborate with us by continuing to support every product we have ever manufactured in our more than three-decade history.
If you work for an organization that handles public funds or you’re responsible for fiscal oversight, you’ll appreciate our total cost of ownership (TCO) model every bit as much as our technology. With every investment in ModUcom’s completely integrated technology, you can receive software upgrades and lower maintenance costs. These standard updates and easy-to-maintain systems add up to a typical TCO savings of more than 50 percent over competitive models.
Our Solutions
Integrated 9-1-1 / radio dispatch
A complete mission-critical communication control system that manages radio, p25, telephone, E9-1-1, NG9-1-1, VOIP and mapping resources.
Radio Dispatch
9-1-1 call processing
Easily manage the complex array of information and communications present in today’s modern dispatch environment.
You have a commitment to public safety.
We have a commitment to you.
955 E. Commerce Dr.
Suite A
Traverse City, MI 49685
Call Us
(231) 944-8420