Public Safety

Every second counts
When it comes to protecting your community, your friends, and your family, we know that every second counts. That’s why at Moducom, we work hard to make sure that every community you serve gets the protection they need. Our pioneering NG9-1-1 technology as well as our dependable legacy equipment has supported PSAPs (Public Safety Answering Points) and other public safety organizations throughout the nation and continues to excel in performance year after year—for over 35 years.
Moducom understands that public safety is a huge commitment and when lives are on the line, it’s essential to have communication technology that won’t let you down. Moducom’s solutions come with a guarantee of consistent and reliable performance because when you invest in us, we invest in you. Our technical support team is committed to maintaining your equipment for the entire life of the system and with our total cost of ownership (TCO) model, PSAPs like yours can receive standard updates that add up to a typical TCO savings of more than 50% versus other models.
Moducom understands that public safety is a huge commitment and when lives are on the line.
It’s essential to have communication technology that won’t let you down. Moducom’s solutions come with a guarantee of consistent and reliable performance because when you invest in us, we invest in you. Our technical support team is committed to maintaining your equipment for the entire life of the system and with our total cost of ownership (TCO) model, PSAPs like yours can receive standard updates that add up to a typical TCO savings of more than 50% versus other models. While the 911 system has successfully served communities across the nation for over 40
years, the new NG9-1-1 (Next Generation 911) system has the ability to keep up with today’s changing technology. The IP based system is more flexible, faster, and allows for smoother, seamless communication between the public and emergency responders. As forward thinking PSAPs move on to NG9-1-1 technology, so does Moducom; our state-of-the-art Ultra-Com IP with Integrated 9-1-1 and Radio Dispatch has powerful and innovative features that have never been seen before.
The system’s features include:
Integrated Radio Dispatch/NG9-1-1 CPE
SIP call interface to the Emergency Service Routing Proxy (ESRP) using UDP, TCP, or TLS
Geolocation/PIDF-LO location data exchange
HELD interface to the LIS for obtaining caller location
SIP Event Package for Conference State to display members of a conference or bridge
Conference/bridge interface to an ESRP or a BCF for conferencing with other PSAPs and emergency support agencies
Presence Event Package for SIP
LoST interface to the ECRF for querying available emergency services based upon caller location
Video and SMS interface
State-of-the-art map viewer
Our 100% user programmable interface makes it easy for you to maintain your system, and with 24/7 customer service, you’ll experience zero downtime. Send a message call us at (231) 944-8420 for a free consultation and demo. You’ve made a commitment to your community, now let us make a commitment to you.
Our Solutions
Integrated 9-1-1 / radio dispatch
A complete mission-critical communication control system that manages radio, p25, telephone, E9-1-1, NG9-1-1, VOIP and mapping resources.
Radio Dispatch
9-1-1 call processing
Easily manage the complex array of information and communications present in today’s modern dispatch environment.
955 E. Commerce Dr.
Suite A
Traverse City, MI 49685
Call Us
(231) 944-8420